New Facade for Pathe Cinema

M.Sc Year 1. TU Delft. 8 weeks Assignment: As a part of Building Technology seminar, we were required to analyse the facade of the Pathe Cinema in Rotterdam and suggest a new facade that will ...


Folded-Plate Dome: Structure analysis

M.Sc Year 1. TU Delft.  8 weeks  Team with : Peter Polhuijs, Puttakhun Vongsingha  Assignment: The course assignment was to design a glass (roof) structure that covers an area of is 42m by 28m or ...

Thin Shell: Structure Analysis

M.Sc Year 1. TU Delft. 8 weeks Team with : Peter Polhuijs, Puttakhun Vongsingha Assignment parallel with Folded Plate Glass Dome  The assignment was to redesign a Heinz Isler concrete shell structure that covers a ...


M.Sc Year 2. TU Delft. 4 weeks Assignment: This studio was divided into 2 parts: 4 weeks of site study as a group and 4 weeks of individual elaboration on the problems identified. The group ...

Zorb Biome

MSc semester 2. 6 weeks. Assignment: As a part of the course ‘Extreme’, we were required to design a research station for 6 upto 12 Scientists in Antarctica. The most important aspect to be considered was ...

Economically Viable Public Space

Final Year B. Arch Graduation project The project was focused at bringing alive the existing public spaces by providing revenue-generating programs such as restaurants, markets and exhibition spaces. The site is located next to a ...


B.Arch: year 3 (2010) BSSA, NMIMS University Airports these days are designed to provide more and more comfort to the passenger. The experience of travel and long jet-hours tends to be exhaustive. As an architect, ...

School of Design

Internship (2009) MObile OFfices (MOOF) As a part of a short internship, we were assigned to a competition of designing of a school of planning and architecture. As a group of three, we assisted in ...

72 HUA

Excerpt of this project

Crescent Bay

Internship (2012) Larsen & Tubro This 10 month long internship taught me many practical issues construction and MEP services of a residential high-rise. This particular 4 million sq. ft (about 9 acres sale area) project ...

Bucky Lab

MSc:1 (2013-14) TU-Delft As a part of the first year Master course, we were to design and build to full size, a working prototype of a module for facade, inkeeping with this year’s theme of ...